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Interview with Dr. Hank Liers, Part 1: Nutritional supplements and cellular energy

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The body has to do more work to get the benefit if you are taking something that is not a coenzyme vitamin, typically most of the stuff found in the vitamins out there. For example, the body cannot use pyridoxine hydrochloride (synthetic vitamin B6). It has to grab an ATP and be phosphorylated before becoming a coenzyme that can be used. I went into supplement design because my wife was chemically sensitive.

Sensible sunlight exposure prevents skin cancer; findings baffle old school doctors

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Even if you're just looking at vitamin D, there are so many healing benefits of vitamin D that it's worth promoting sunlight exposure for that reason alone. vitamin D regulates the growth of cancer cells. It impairs the proliferation of cancer tumors in the body, and at the same time it is extremely important for absorption of calcium in the small intestine. (This, by the way, helps explain why so many senior citizens get osteoporosis today even though they think they're taking plenty of calcium supplements. The reason is they don't have enough vitamin D to actually absorb the calcium.

Vitamin D myths, facts and statistics

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Up to 80% of nursing home patients are vitamin D deficient. What you can do: Sensible exposure to natural sunlight is the simplest, easiest and yet one of the most important strategies for improving your health. I urge you to read the book, "The UV Advantage" by Dr. Michael Holick to get the full story on natural sunlight. You can find this book at most local bookstores or through BN.com, Amazon.com, etc. Note: This is not a paid endorsement or an affiliate link.

Big Tobacco joins breast cancer industry to launch new pink ribbon cigarettes (parody)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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D deficiency, yet neither the medical establishment nor the cancer industry currently expresses any interest in urging women to get more vitamin D through sunlight exposure or nutritional supplementation. Recent research has shown that vitamin D halts 77 percent of all cancers from becoming full-blown tumors, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and leukemia. The vast majority of women in the United States remain chronically vitamin D deficient, putting their bodies in a state of accelerated tumor growth.

Alli weight loss drug has disgusting side effects and may block fat-soluble vitamins

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Let's face it: Essential fatty acids are named that because they are essential. vitamin D and other fat-soluble nutrients are absolutely crucial for human health, especially the health of expectant mothers, newborns and senior citizens. These are nutrients that we cannot live healthfully without. So what could possibly be the FDA review panel's motivation in approving this drug that has almost no perceived benefit? It causes merely one pound of weight loss a month (and that's if you actually believe the clinical trials), yet it creates considerable health risks to those who take the drug.

Every person needs sunlight exposure to create vitamin D, obesity impairs vitamin D absorption

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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I tell my doctor friends that if you're on the beach on Cape Cod, here in Massachusetts in June, and you know that you're going to get a mild pinkness to your skin, say 30 minutes of being outside, in a bathing suit, it's equivalent to taking 20,000 units of vitamin D orally. Adams: OK, so that's 20 times more than they might need. Dr. Holick: Exactly. So what we recommend is that if you just expose 6-10% of your body, a couple of times a week, that's all you need. Adams: Another question then.

Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes
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Scientists have gone back and forth; some claiming amla was the richest known food source of vitamin C and others saying it had no vitamin C at all. In this study, researchers found that amla does indeed contain vitamin C (as well as antioxidant flavonoids, polyphenols, and tannins) and that a traditional form of processing known as svaras bbavana (cooking the herb in its own juice) significantly increases its antioxidant effects.

Every person needs sunlight exposure to create vitamin D, obesity impairs vitamin D absorption

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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And so, as you're well aware, in my book, I have tables at the end of the book, where I tell people anywhere on the globe, any time of the year, for any skin type at any time of day, how long they can stay outside to get some safe sun to provide them with their vitamin D requirements, and then to use sun protection thereafter. Adams: I think that's wonderful that you have that kind of chart in your book, because that's what people are wondering. Can you give an example, let's say someone of African descent living in the UK, for example? Dr. Holick: Sure.

Junk science: negative study on calcium and vitamin D supplements was poorly constructed, yet widely reported

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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In fact, in looking at ten different articles in the mainstream press, I didn't find a single article that actually mentioned the dosage of calcium of vitamin D that was given to patients. I only found two stories that mentioned the very low compliance rate of study participants. About half the people didn't even take their supplements! Didn't these journalists ever think that these details might matter? But here's the really interesting part: when you look at this study closely, the whole thing falls apart.

As scientific evidence mounts on health benefits of sun exposure and vitamin D, doctors are rethinking advice of sunlight avoidance

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Be sure to print out the vitamin D myths, facts and statistics page summarizing the key points of this interview. Adams: Let me shift gears here and ask you about the controversy side of this. Sadly, I think your book has been attacked with kind of a surprising degree of ferocity. What has happened to you since publishing this book and taking this stand on being a proponent of sun exposure? Dr. Holick: Well, from my perspective, you know you have to look at life and see that the glass is half full or half empty, and I've always seen it as being half full.

Ten Lies About Health Your Doctor Taught You

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Truth #5: The sun will prevent cancer due to the creation of vitamin D by the skin. Most Americans (and Canadians and Europeans, for that matter) are deficient in vitamin D. As a result, tumor cell growth in the breast and prostate is unregulated. Sensible exposure to natural sunlight generates cancer-preventing vitamin D... at no charge! Sunburns are actually caused by nutritional deficiencies (lack of antioxidants in the skin), not by sensible exposure to sunlight. See http://www.newstarget.com/Vitamin_D.html Lie #6: CT scans (CAT scans) are perfectly safe.

Interview - Greg Kunin of Ola Loa explains why it's better for you to "drink your vitamins" for optimum nutrition

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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If they can't eat, most people aren't going to rush out and take a handful of vitamin pills when they're feeling a little light-headed. Mike: Right. Kunin: You can do that with Ola Loa. Mike: You know, what else is really interesting about your product, Greg, is that the nutrients in here are almost pure nutrients, whereas if you take a typical capsule, sometimes as much as 50 percent of the mass of that capsule is just filler. Kunin: Absolutely. Mike: And people don't realize that you take a zinc pill, and the actual zinc is microscopic. Kunin: A very small amount. Mike: Yes.

Mental health, Seasonal Affective Disorder, osteoporosis greatly improved by exposure to natural sunlight, vitamin D supplements

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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I'm giving you vitamin D, and I'm telling you to go out and be exposed to some sunlight, and you're going to start feeling better in a month or two. Hopefully you'll get in your wheelchair, and then eventually you'll be able to walk within six months. And then sure enough, I just saw her in clinic this past Monday, and she now is up and walking around, using a walker. Really almost for the first time in half a dozen years. Adams: Fascinating. How many other people are in nursing homes and hospitals right now suffering from nothing more complicated than this deficiency? Dr.
We also know that if you're vitamin D deficient, not only does it precipitate and exacerbate osteoporosis in older men and women, but it causes a very subtle and quite devastating bone disease known as osteomalatia. Long story short, osteomalatia is like adult rickets. And what it does is it causes severe bone discomfort, achiness in the bones and also in the muscles. And these patients are often misdiagnosed as having fibromyalgia. Adams: Yes, that makes sense. Dr. Holick: There was a study done in Minnesota by Dr Plotnikoff and what he showed was that, he looked at over 150 individuals.
Adams: Let's move on to discuss some of the other disorders or diseases that are correlated with vitamin D deficiency. Let's talk about mental health and Seasonal Affective Disorder. Dr. Holick: Principally, Seasonal Affective Disorder is due to the fact that people who live in northern climates can't easily regulate the production of melatonin by the pineal gland. And melatonin is a hormone that causes you to fall asleep basically, or to hibernate.

Top 20 things that are more dangerous to children than lead paint in Mattel toys

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Avoid cheap, store-bought children's vitamins or anything containing cyanocobalamin (a toxic form of vitamin B12). Quality children's vitamins are available through sources like Nordic Naturals (fish oils) and www.IntegratedHealth.com (also check www.WellnessResources.com for high-quality supplements). 18. Dryer sheets Most popular dryer sheets and fabric softeners are made with toxic synthetic chemicals that are not safe to use on children's clothing. The fragrance chemicals alone are often highly carcinogenic, and the other chemicals contribute additional toxicity to the clothing.

Over-the-counter vitamin D tester would be a boon to public health, cancer prevention

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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If you put your skin under ultraviolet radiation, whether it's a tanning bed or sunlight, you skin is going to produce vitamin D. That makes a tanning bed a rather useful medical device (as long as it is used safely). Thus, tanning beds can actually treat -- yes, treat -- osteoporosis, depression and even various cancers. You can quote me on that. But of course, thanks to our modern environment of FDA-enforced medical censorship and oppression on anything related to real health, tanning salon operators would be arrested if they made such claims.

In U.S., science is distorted to promote political and corporate agendas

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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When deaths occurred within the sample population group, the headlines read, "Vitamin E causes Heart Attack!" It's a preposterous conclusion; but this is how deeply distorted science has become today in its quest to promote the interests of corporations. (In truth, researchers weren't even using vitamin E, they were using a synthetic chemical with a molecular structure that isn't the same as vitamin E from plants.) Residents of the United States like to think they live in a nation based on solid science.

Over-the-counter vitamin D tester would be a boon to public health, cancer prevention

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Dermatologists, who are closely aligned with sunscreen manufacturers, may even join the outcry against the vitamin D sensor. In doing so, they will cause great harm because they will prevent the smooth and rapid introduction of this key technology that has the potential to save literally millions of lives and improve the quality of life for several billion people around the world. And who knows what the cancer industry would do.
I think a low-cost vitamin D sensor represents one of the most desperately-needed technologies for enhancing public health and preventing disease in a way that would make much of today's expensive cancer treatments utterly obsolete. And that, my friends, is exactly why you'll never see this technology. Anything that prevents cancer at near-zero cost, without drugs, surgery or chemotherapy, would spell disaster for the multi billion-dollar cancer industry -- an industry that depends on the continuation of disease to guarantee next quarter's profits.

40% of U.S. population chronically deficient in vitamin D due to lack of sunlight exposure, says Dr. Michael Holick, author of UV Advantage

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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And like I said, the problem is that vitamin D deficiency has such subtle but incredibly important health implications. It's the subtlety that's the problem. I mean, when you mention the word cancer, everybody's aware of that, and everybody's aware of how serious cancer is. And so people will immediately help fund that kind of research, and promote that kind of research.

Interview - Greg Kunin of Ola Loa explains why it's better for you to "drink your vitamins" for optimum nutrition

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Kunin: People are looking at some of the other products that are out there that are pretty much limited to vitamin C, and some herbs, but if you start traveling, there's an amazing low that's put on the body. Mike: I think that's a wonderful idea. If I were on the airplane, and they gave me this instead of that garbage food that you get served on an airplane, I would applaud. This is a great idea for travel stress. Kunin: We've had some very interesting people who are using the products.

40% of U.S. population chronically deficient in vitamin D due to lack of sunlight exposure, says Dr. Michael Holick, author of UV Advantage

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Typically, on average, probably 50-80% of nursing home residents, 50-60% of inpatient hospital patients, and on average I would estimate, 40% of the population in the United States at large, if they're not getting some sensible sun exposure, are probably deficient in vitamin D. Adams: And let me bring you back to the mental effects of this. What's the correlation - beyond depression, are there other areas? Dr. Holick: Well, there's a fellow in Australia that's done a very interesting study.

Interview - Greg Kunin of Ola Loa explains why it's better for you to "drink your vitamins" for optimum nutrition

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Your typical vitamin sells in the neighborhood of about $5 a kilo. An amino acid might cost $10 or $15 a kilo. Mike: Right. Kunin: Fortunately, coenzyme Q10 has been coming down in price, but it's still a very expensive ingredient at over $1,000 a kilogram. Mike: What other ingredients do you have in here that are worth pointing out? Kunin: Well, I think the big thing that really stands out in our product is that we're providing the strategic amino acids like trimethoglycine. That word methyl keeps coming back. TMG is what you get when you eat beets.

Junk science: negative study on calcium and vitamin D supplements was poorly constructed, yet widely reported

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The control group was given information on diet and strategies for reducing the risk of fractures and falls You have to remember that the logic of this study says that calcium and vitamin D supplements are useless because there was no difference in the number of fractures between the study group and the control group. But if you could find another way to reduce fractures in the control group, then you could effectively make the supplements in the study group appear useless.

Interview - Greg Kunin of Ola Loa explains why it's better for you to "drink your vitamins" for optimum nutrition

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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It's not like a big, round vitamin bottle, and it's still a serving. Kunin: The pre-standing liquids are oftentimes loaded with benzoate and preservatives. And they've already oxidized. This is absolutely protected. It's fresh up until that very moment. There's no oxidation occurring until you add the water and you drink it down. You'll feel it go into your body almost immediately. Mike: Absolutely. I second that. Now, Greg, what's next for Ola Loa? You always have something on the drawing board. Kunin: We're working in some interesting areas right now.

FDA outlaws vitamin D, seeks to destroy sun to protect Americans from sunlight (satire)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Funds to build the dome have already been promised by makers of cancer drugs, who stand to receive a windfall of profits once cancer explodes across the population due to universal vitamin D deficiencies. Dubbed the "Merck dome," the inside of the dome will also display drug advertisements round-the-clock, allowing people to find the name of any drug they need simply by looking towards the sky.

Interview - Greg Kunin of Ola Loa explains why it's better for you to "drink your vitamins" for optimum nutrition

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Kunin: Each one of these packets is replacing roughly a dozen vitamin pills, and most people are just not willing to comply. Compliance is always an issue. Mike: Right. It's a lot to swallow. Kunin: With this we find that people feel the difference almost immediately. They're willing to integrate this into their daily life. And they get to point where they realize, "Gosh, I don't know how I lived without it." Mike: Now, let's start with the basics here for those who are maybe new to the product. You take a package and empty the powder into a glass of water.
So many kids are winding up getting these vitamin pills that they have to chew that destroy the teeth. They don't provide a lot of nutrient support. Again, my dad has done a lot of work, especially in the arena of ADD, ADHD and autism, and getting nutrient support in the children is a struggle. So we produced a line that is providing key ingredients very similar to what you'll find in the energy product, but we've removed the coenzyme Q10 -- which, in large measure, is lost on kids -- and also made it more affordable at the same time.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Vitamin C
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Vitamin b6
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Heart disease
Blood pressure
B vitamins