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Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Although it is not a purely herbal product, ipriflavone, a chemically altered form of soy isoflavones, is a better choice for preventing and treating osteoporosis, and for preventing bone fractures in weight lifters and participants in contact sports. Clinical testing in Japan has found that treatment with ipriflavone, even without supplemental calcium, prevents bone loss better than calcium supplementation alone. Brands that provide ipriflavone in a corn-oil base may be better absorbed.
Fortunately, isoflavones from both soy and kudzu activate p21. There are herbs and formulas that offset the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as well as providing other benefits. Always use herbal medicine as part of a medically directed overall treatment plan for breast cancer. BENEFICIAL HERBS herb form and dosage comments Astragalus1 Capsules. Take 500-1,000 mg 3 times daily. Stops spread of cancers that respond to gene p53. Cat's claw2 Tincture. Take as directed on the label in 'A cup water with 1 tsp lemon juice. A potent immune stimulant.
This process is also retarded by the anthocyanins found in cherries, grapes, and plums, and the isoflavones found in soy. In addition to the action of the immune system, attacking cancer cells in the same way that it attacks infectious microorganisms, there are genetic safeguards to catch the errors in DNA that propel this process. There are "watchdog" genes that "turn off" cancer cells unless the watchdog genes themselves are damaged. Certain herb compounds activate these genes.

Herbal Defense

Robyn Landis
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Even though isoflavones behave like human estrogen and provide many of the benefits, they do not seem, preliminarily at least, to carry the same risks. One reason they are theorized to raise rather than lowet a woman's risk of cancers is that they may plug estrogen receptors on cells or tissue, yet not have the potency to stimulate the cells the way "real" estrogen might. The effect has been compared many times to that of a key that fits but doesn't open the cell. It jams the lock so the "real" keys can't get in.

Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment

Donald R. Yance, j r.,C.N., M.H., A.H.G., with Arlene Valentine
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This is most likely related to the presence of isoflavones that are weakly estrogenic and anticarcinogenic. Diets rich in soy phytoestrogens can reduce circulating ovarian steroids and adrenal androgens, an effect that may account, at least in part, for the decreased risk of breast cancer in women whose diets are rich in legumes.155 Isoflavonoid glycosides found in soy, as well as in other legumes, are converted by intestinal bacteria to hormonelike compounds. These compounds can inhibit cancer through several pathways.
The Magic of Soy Foods Soy foods are rich in isoflavones, phytochemicals that can cause cancer cells to differentiate and become more primitive, less specialized, and less deadly. The Table 3.

Permanent Remissions

Robert Hass, M.S.
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Some soy products are better than others at providing high amounts of disease-fighting compounds called isoflavones. Unfortunately, a great deal of the isoflavone content of soy is washed out during commercial preparation of some soy meat substitutes. For example, many supermarket products made from soy protein, such as "veggie" burgers and vegetarian chili mixes, use soy protein made by alcohol extraction, a process that diminishes soy's disease-fighting isoflavone content.

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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The isoflavones are just different enough from estrogen, however, that they do not stimulate cells as estrogen does. This keeps estrogen away from cells that are sensitive to estrogen, especially cancerous cells in the bladder, breast, colon, prostate, and skin. Daidzein is one such estrogen-blocking isoflavone. It locks out estrogen from breast-cancer cells without stimulating the cells to reproduce. It also fights cancer by causing immature tumor cells to differentiate, or mature into forms that have normal lifespans and are then replaced.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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Animal studies have shown that isoflavones influence many aspects of the mammalian reproductive process via effects on the development and physiology of female reproductive organs and alteration of sexual behaviour.268 It is now recognized that the rat, mouse and human oestrogen receptor exists as two subtypes, alpha and beta. The alpha receptors predominate in the kidney, pituitary and reproductive tract while beta receptors are found in bone, prostate, brain and reproductive organs.

Eat To Beat Cancer: A Research Scientist Explains How You and Your Family Can Avoid Up to 90% of All Cancers

J. Robert Hatherill
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All soy foods contain isoflavones, and research has zeroed in on a particular soy isoflavone called genistein. Impressively, genistein intercepts and stifles the growth of a wide variety of cancer cells, and hinders a number of proteins and enzymes which play key roles in cancer growth and regulation. One of the main reasons soy protein may safeguard against breast cancer is its ability to delay the menstrual cycle by one to five days. It well known that Asian women have longer menstrual cycles than Western women.

Eat and Heal (Foods That Can Prevent or Cure Many Common Ailments)

the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing
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Also, because isoflavones act like estrogen, some studies suggest that postmenopausal women who eat a lot of soy may increase their risk of breast cancer. And scientists have questioned the potential effects of soy on infants as well. One study found infants who drank soy formula received six to 11 times as many phytoestrogens as the amount known to have hormonal effects in adults. Some think this could lead to early puberty, which is associated with a greater risk for breast cancer and ovarian cysts. This leads to the question of whether soys good aspects outweigh the negative ones.

The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children

Carol Simontacchi
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Reproductive effects, infertility, thyroid disease or liver disease due to dietary intake of isoflavones had been observed for several animals including cheetah, quail, mice, rats, sturgeon, and sheep.46 Soy Foods Block the Absorption of Brain-Essential Minerals Unfermented soy products contain another natural protein that makes soy-based formulas hazardous to your baby's health: phytic acid. Phytic acid is classed as an antinutrient because it blocks the absorption of minerals, especially calcium, zinc, and magnesium. All three minerals play a crucial role in brain health.

Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to Hundreds of NEW Natural Products that Will Help You Live Longer, Look Better, Stay Heathier, ... and Much More!

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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A new generation of standardized soy concentrate supplements containing genistein, diadzein, isoflavones and other important cancer fighting agents are now in natural food stores. Sprouted soy concentrate is a particularly potent source of these important phytoestrogens. Possible Benefits May prevent breast, prostate, and possibly other cancers. Lowers elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. May relieve symptoms of menopause. The Right Amount Drink one soy protein shake daily. Make sure it contains genistein and diadzein. Take two tablets daily.
Personal Advice I take a combination of soy isoflavones (daidzein and genistein), plus calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and boron to prevent osteoporosis. This blend is also excellent for relieving menopausal symptoms. Facts Known as "para todo," meaning "tor everything,'" suma is the dried root of the PfaJ'fia paniculata plant, native to the rainforest of Brazil. Even though suma has been used for more than a decade in the United States, it is just now gaining in popularity and is being included in many combination formulas designed to increase energy, stamina, and immune function.

Nature's Medicines : From Asthma to Weight Gain, from Colds to High Cholesterol -- The Most Powerful All-Natural Cures

Gale Maleskey
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But you're still probably better off if you get your isoflavones from soy foods," says Dr. Aesoph. Genistein is a soy isoflavone that seems to provide a benefit in addition to helping menopausal discomforts. One study suggests that it has value for helping to improve cardiac health, which often declines with the onset of menopause. At the Baker Medical Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia, women who took 45 milligrams a day of genistein over 5- to 10-week periods had improved elasticity of their arteries—a primary indicator of cardiac health.

The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children

Carol Simontacchi
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University of Missouri-Columbia,39 little research has been done on the isoflavones (estrogens) in the infant formulas. Fifteen years ago and prior, when soy-based infant formulas had been developed and were being used as a healthy replacement for cow's milk-based formulas or by infants who were allergic to cow's milk, no negative effects could be seen owing to the use of the soy. Infants seemed to thrive. Because no immediate effects were seen, researchers stopped looking. Research dollars are limited, after all.

1001 Chemicals in Everyday Products

Grace Ross Lewis
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The isoflavones genistein and daidzein have strong antioxidant benefits that reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, as well as other diseases. 121. Do soybeans contain other beneficial chemicals? Soybeans contain saponins that are a group of phytonutrients with immunity and disease-fighting potential. They also act to increase immunity, prevent cancer, and fight infections. Soy is also high in protein, vitamin E, lecithin, and omega-3 fatty acids. 122. What is the newly identified nutraceutical in cereals?
More recent discoveries include lycopene from tomatoes and the isoflavones from soybeans. Precautions: Considered to be safe and healthful. Synonyms: NONE FOUND. PINE NEEDLE OIL_ Products and Uses: An additive in cleaning materials, deodorizers, air fresheners, soaps, toiletries. Precautions: Could cause allergic reaction. Mildly toxic by swallowing. A human skin irritant. FDA permits use at moderate levels to accomplish the intended effect. Synonyms: CAS: 8000-26-8 ? DWARF PINE NEEDLE OIL ? KNEE PINE OIL ? LATSCHENKIEFEROL ? OIL OF MOUNTAIN PINE ? PINUS MONTANA OIL ? PINUS PUMILIO OIL ?

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Soybeans and foods made from soy, in particular, contain isoflavones that discourage tumor growth. Foods made from soy include tofu, fortified soy milk, miso, and tempeh. A variety of other beans can be used to make wonderful ethnic dishes and include black beans, adzuki, pinto beans, chickpeas, mung beans, lentils, and lima beans. Grains and beans are your best source of proteins. "If you eat meat, I recommend eating only small quantities of it, no more than 3 ounces per day. Three ounces fits into the palm of your hand.

The Omega-3 Connection: The Groundbreaking Anti-depression Diet and Brain Program

Andrew L. Stoll
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Soybeans contain the antioxidant, cancer-fighting isoflavones genistein and daidzein. Carbohydrates. Root vegetables, like turnips and carrots, and tubers, such as sweet potatoes and yams, are more nutritious sources of carbohydrates than grains. All are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and bioflavonoids. Limit the amount of carbohydrates from cereals and processed flour, and cut out high-carbohydrate, high-fat foods such as potato chips, French fries, and other fast foods. Use whole grains and whole grain bread, but limit the servings to three or less per day.

Optimum Health - A Cardiologist's Prescription for Optimum Health

Stephen T., M.D. Sinatra
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Soybeans contain isoflavones rich in natural phytoestrogens. Extensive research has shown that these compounds have many protective benefits, reducing the incidence of prostate cancer in study populations. There is also experimental evidence that phytoestrogens also protect against colon cancer. Not only do soy products protect the circulatory system, but the phytoestrogen effect of genistin found in soybeans protects against the bone loss that leads to osteoporosis. For men, these phytoestrogens are especially important in reducing the incidence of prostate cancer.

Alternative Cures: The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems

Bill Gottlieb
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An easy way to incorporate isoflavones into your diet is to add soy protein powder to a shake. Or eat more tofu and miso, two popular soy foods that are versatile and easy to cook with. Boost Your Defenses against HIV and AIDS HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, a disease that destroys the immune system and ravages the body. There is no cure for AIDS, no way to eradicate HIV (the human immunodeficiency virus) from the body. Yet, according to Jon Kaiser, M.D.

Food Swings: Make the Life-Changing Connection Between the Foods You Eat and Your Emotional Health and Well-Being

Barnet Meltzer, M.D.
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And research has recently linked soybeans to the prevention of breast cancer. isoflavones, protease inhibitors, beta-sitosterol, and other phytonutrients in soy act as anti-estrogens. In effect, because of their estrogenic chemistry, they fool the body, thereby preventing it from overproducing the hormone itself: Soy nutrients occupy competitive estrogen binding sites and so keep a woman's own natural estrogen from binding to these same sites and inducing cancer in estrogen-sensitive tissues such as the breasts and ovaries.

Alternative Cures: The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems

Bill Gottlieb
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If you don't like soy milk, take a supplement that contains 30 to 50 milligrams of isoflavones, following the dosage recommendations on the label. ALCOHOL: Ditch the Drinks If you drink too much alcohol, you have two strikes against middle-age male health: Alcohol decreases zinc levels (zinc, remember, is necessary for adequate testosterone) and cuts down the clearance of estrogen from the bloodstream. If you drink, make sure you have no more than two drinks a day, says Dr. Shippen. If your estrogen level is high, any alcohol may be too much.

Food Swings: Make the Life-Changing Connection Between the Foods You Eat and Your Emotional Health and Well-Being

Barnet Meltzer, M.D.
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In the process, tofu's inherent genistein and isoflavones are further enhanced, making tempeh a rich source of protein. Due to its chunky texture, tempeh is often mistaken for meat by many a novice sampling specialty dishes at Indonesian restaurants. Tempeh's high levels of phytonutrients help to detoxify the liver. Like all soy-based foods—tofu, miso, soy milk—tempeh fortifies the immune system. It protects the body from common and not-so-common viral infections and even helps to prevent cancer.

Nature's Medicines : From Asthma to Weight Gain, from Colds to High Cholesterol -- The Most Powerful All-Natural Cures

Gale Maleskey
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Like the isoflavones in soy foods, its active ingredient glycyrrhizin seems to help adjust estrogen in both directions, reducing levels that are too high and increasing them when they're too low. "Licorice is a good herb for the menopausal and postmenopausal changes in a woman's life," says Dr. Jeanne. Licorice helps support the function of the adrenal glands, located just above your kidneys, where your body's supply of estrogen is produced, she explains. The adrenal production of estrogen becomes increasingly important as women approach menopause.
Most evidence of the potential benefits of isoflavones comes from Japanese populations that eat a traditional diet, Including many soy-based foods. In these populations, the incidence of cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis is lower than in the United States. Fight Harder with Folic Acid Many doctors recommend folic acid for women who are pregnant because it's been shown that this B vitamin will reduce the risk of birth defects. In food, folic acid comes in a form known as folate. This nutrient is essential.
Barnes says, and a supplement may not provide the same benefits. isoflavones alone, however, do seem to improve artery elasticity, another component of circulatory health, he says. With regard to cancer, the focus has turned to genistein. Studies with laboratory animals suggest that this isoflavone may be useful in both protecting against and treating prostate cancer. Population studies focusing on cancer seem to be reassuring, since people who eat lots of soy foods are less likely to get cancer than people who eat a meat-based diet, Dr. Barnes says.
The amount of isoflavones in soy foods varies. A half-cup of tofu offers 35 milligrams, one cup of soy milk has 20 to 30 milligrams, and % cup of dry soy protein granules provides 60 milligrams. If you do opt to take isoflavone supplements, it's still prudent to stay within the 50- to 60-milligram range, Dr, Barnes suggests. "We think that's safe because people have been getting that amount from foods," he says. multivitamins was enough to cut women's colon cancer rates by more than 75 percent.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Related Concepts:

Soy protein
Soy isoflavones
Breast cancer
Soy foods
Postmenopausal women
Red clover
Prostate cancer
Cancer cells
Heart disease
Hot flashes
Soy products
Blood vessels
Hot flushes